2018年2月10日 星期六

GIMX - 編譯GIMX source codes

Step 1: 下載安裝msys2

目前最新64位元版本是 msys2-x86_64-20170918.exe

Step 2: 點擊.exe進行安裝

Step 3: 安裝git套件

$ pacman -S git

Step 4: 下載 GIMX-build

$ git clone https://github.com/matlo/GIMX-build.git

Step 5. 執行 install.sh


$ ./install.sh

Step 6. 重開msys2 (很重要)


Step 7: 安裝 Inno Setup 5 (打包安裝檔用)


Step 8. 開始編譯GIMX

因為我們要編譯Windows版本的GIMX (他有同時提供LINUX版本),所以要切換到Windows編譯目錄下

執行 build.sh

$ ./build.sh


每次執行 build.sh 都會清除掉 gimx 所有檔案,如果不想這樣的話,可以修改 build.sh



2017年7月22日 星期六

rFactor 2 - OSW Settings


"Force Feedback":{
    "Brake effects on steer axis":0,
    "Brake effects on steer axis#":"0 = Brake effects on brake axis, 1 = brake effects on steering axis.",
    "Brake effects strength":10000,
    "Brake effects strength#":"-10000 to +10000, applies to all brake effects (force, vibration, static spring, etc?)",
    "Brake spring coefficient":1,
    "Brake spring coefficient#":"Static spring effect rate (-1.0 to 1.0)",
    "Brake spring saturation":0.8,
    "Brake spring saturation#":"Static spring effect peak force (0.0 to 1.0)",
    "Clutch effects on steer axis":0,
    "Clutch effects on steer axis#":"0 = Clutch effects on clutch axis, 1 = brake effects on steering axis.",
    "Clutch effects strength":10000,
    "Clutch effects strength#":"-10000 to +10000, applies to all clutch effects (force, vibration, static spring, etc?)",
    "Clutch spring coefficient":0.2,
    "Clutch spring coefficient#":"Static spring effect rate (-1.0 to 1.0)",
    "Clutch spring saturation":1,
    "Clutch spring saturation#":"Static spring effect peak force (0.0 to 1.0)",
    "G920_workaround#":"Workaround for Logitech G920 firmware bugs ... may need to turn this off after firmware update if it gets fixed.",
    "Gearbox effects on steer axis":0,
    "Gearbox effects on steer axis#":"0 = Gearbox effects on gearbox 'axis', 1 = brake effects on steering axis.",
    "Gearbox effects strength":10000,
    "Gearbox effects strength#":"-10000 to +10000, applies to all gearbox effects (force, vibration, static spring, etc?)",
    "Gearbox spring coefficient":0,
    "Gearbox spring coefficient#":"Static spring effect rate (-1.0 to 1.0)",
    "Gearbox spring saturation":0,
    "Gearbox spring saturation#":"Static spring effect peak force (0.0 to 1.0)",
    "Ignore controllers":0,
    "Ignore controllers#":"Do not use FFB on: 1=controller1, 2=controller2, 4=controller3, 8=controller4, 16=controller5, 32=controller6 (or add values to ignore multiple controllers, for example 63 ignores all)",
    "Jolt magnitude":-0.8,
    "Jolt magnitude#":"How strong jolts from other cars (or walls) are.  Suggested Range: -2.0 to 2.0.",
    "Off-road multiplier":0.3,
    "Off-road multiplier#":"Temporary test variable to reduce force feedback strength off-road (0.0 = zero FFB, 1.0 = full FFB)",
    "Other spring coefficient":0.1,
    "Other spring coefficient#":"Static spring effect rate (-1.0 to 1.0) for any other FFB-capable controllers",
    "Other spring saturation":0.02,
    "Other spring saturation#":"Static spring effect peak force (0.0 to 1.0) for any other FFB-capable controllers",
    "Rumble strip magnitude":0.1,
    "Rumble strip magnitude#":"How strong the canned rumble strip rumble is.  Range 0.0 to 1.0, 0.0 disables effect.",
    "Rumble strip pull factor":-0.9,
    "Rumble strip pull factor#":"How strongly wheel pulls right\/left when running over a rumble strip. Suggested range: -1.5 to 1.5.",
    "Rumble strip update thresh":0.05,
    "Rumble strip update thresh#":"Amount of change required to update rumble strip effect (0.0 - 1.0)",
    "Rumble strip wave type":0,
    "Rumble strip wave type#":"Type of wave to use for vibe: 0=Sine, 1=Square, 2=Triangle, 3=Sawtooth up, 4=Sawtooth down.",
    "Steering effects strength":-10000,
    "Steering effects strength#":"-10000 to +10000, applies to all steering effects (torque, resistance, static spring, jolt, etc.)",
    "Steering resistance coefficient":1,
    "Steering resistance coefficient#":"Coefficient to use for steering resistance.  Range: -1.0 to 1.0",
    "Steering resistance saturation":1,
    "Steering resistance saturation#":"Saturation value to use for steering resistance.  Range: 0 - 1.0",
    "Steering resistance type":0,
    "Steering resistance type#":"0=use damping, 1=use friction",
    "Steering spring coefficient":1,
    "Steering spring coefficient#":"Static spring effect rate (-1.0 to 1.0)",
    "Steering spring saturation":0.0045,
    "Steering spring saturation#":"Static spring effect peak force (0.0 to 1.0)",
    "Steering torque capability":20,
    "Steering torque capability#":"The maximum torque capability of the wheel (in Nm, obviously)",
    "Steering torque extrap blend":1,
    "Steering torque extrap blend#":"Higher blends of extrapolated value allows driver to feel torque changes even when actual torque exceeds 'input max' (0.0=disables, 1.0=max)",
    "Steering torque extrap time":0.025,
    "Steering torque extrap time#":"Time in seconds to extrapolate steering torque based on current change (Range: 0.001 to 0.050.  To disable, set 'blend' to 0.0)",
    "Steering torque filter":4,
    "Steering torque filter#":"Number of old samples to use to filter torque from vehicle's steering column (0-32, note that higher values increase effective latency)",
    "Steering torque minimum":0,
    "Steering torque minimum#":"Minimum torque to apply in either direction to overcome steering wheel's 'FFB deadzone' caused by friction",
    "Steering torque per-vehicle mult":0.6,
    "Steering torque per-vehicle mult#":"Per-vehicle steering column torque multiplier (this is a copy of the .CCH value)",
    "Steering torque sensitivity":1.2,
    "Steering torque sensitivity#":"Sensitivity curve applied to representable torques: 0.0=low 1.0=linear 2.0=high",
    "Steering torque zero-speed mult":0.12,
    "Steering torque zero-speed mult#":"Multiplier at zero speed to reduce unwanted oscillation from strong static aligning torque",
    "Test_workaround#":"Workaround for apparent driver CTD on release",
    "Throttle effects on steer axis":0,
    "Throttle effects on steer axis#":"0 = Throttle effects on throttle axis, 1 = throttle effects on steering axis.",
    "Throttle effects strength":10000,
    "Throttle effects strength#":"-10000 to +10000, applies to all throttle effects (force, vibration, static spring, etc?)",
    "Throttle spring coefficient":-1,
    "Throttle spring coefficient#":"Static spring effect rate (-1.0 to 1.0)",
    "Throttle spring saturation":1,
    "Throttle spring saturation#":"Static spring effect peak force (0.0 to 1.0)",
    "Type#":"Type of force feedback: 0=off 1=wheel 2=joystick 3=rumble\/gamepad 4=custom",
    "Use thread":true,
    "Use thread#":"Use a separate thread to issue FFB commands which may block with some drivers"

In Games


2017年7月6日 星期四

rFactor - RealFeel Plug-In 參數說明



static forces at rest. This is the effort required to turn the steering wheel when the car is not moving.


leo's "aligning moment curve shape / feeling of tyre losing grip" setting


leo's "wheel rubber hardness" setting


leo's "how quickly static forces drop off when rolling" setting

Some questions for TechAde.

The front grip effect doesn't seem to do much at fractional values of 1.0. According to the description, "Maximum recommended value is 1.0 which will provide a 100% drop in force when 100% of the contact patch is sliding". My wheel resistance does not go to zero when the car is sliding on all contact patches (at 1.0) and fractional values of 1.0 seem to have very little effect in reducing wheel resistance. How is the "fudge factor" calculated to reduce force at the wheel?

2016年11月1日 星期二

什麼是直驅方向盤?What's Direct Drive Wheel?

在社團常聽到我們說『DD Wheel』,並且歌頌讚揚這種方向盤的好,相信還未聽過或接觸過DD Wheel的朋友總是覺得一頭霧水吧!今天我們就來簡單說明一下目前市面上幾種常見的SIM Racing方向盤驅動方式。



齒輪驅動(Gear Drive):
代表的廠商有羅技 G25/G27

上圖中紅色框起的部分,就是透過齒輪來傳達馬達的動力至方向盤。齒輪驅動的優點是成本便宜,但缺點就是輸出力量比不上其他兩種類型,馬達咬合容易產生噪音且齒輪使用一段時間後會有磨損。詳細的G27拆解可以參閱 G27 Replacement

皮帶驅動(Belt Drive):
代表的廠商有 Thrustmaster T300RS、Fanatec CSW v2

上圖為Fanatec CSW的拆解圖,紅色框起部分為皮帶傳動。皮帶傳動比齒輪傳動力量更直接,且沒有齒輪咬合時的噪音,且比齒輪更耐用。但馬達輸出在皮帶力量傳輸過程中仍會有所損耗。更多Fanatec CSW拆解圖可參閱 CSW v1 vs CSW v2

馬達直驅(Direct Drive):
最後要介紹的就是本文的主角,代表的是OSW (Open SIM Wheel)。所謂直驅,顧名思義就是馬達本身直接驅動方向盤,中間不需要透過其他機構件作傳導,馬達的輸出直接傳遞給方向盤,因此力量損耗最低、反應速度最快也最直接!但目前缺點就是此類型的方向盤售價也是三種類型中最高的。

目前已知最便宜的OSW賣家是SimRacingBuy的SimuCube產品。其他如AccuForce ProSimSteering2的售價,都已經非一般玩家買的下手等級就不多做介紹,有興趣可以自行前往產品網頁。


2016年10月29日 星期六

Fanatec CSW v2 configuration for Assetto Corsa

我的Sim Racing設備:

ClubSport Wheel Base V2
ClubSport Steering Wheel BMW M3 GT2

ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula Carbon

ClubSport Shifter SQ V 1.0

Wheel Base + 方向盤組合

Heusinkveld Sim Pedals Pro

Assetto Corsa設定:

1. 使用文字編輯器開啟 assetto_corsa.ini

檔案位置 \Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\system\cfg\

2. 修改 FF_SKIP_STEPS (預設為1)
FF_SKIP_STEPS=0 ; Physics engine steps to skip in order to accomodate wheels with lower FF input buffer

3. 遊戲中設定

Pedal Settings設定為1.00是因為我使用了Heusinkveld Sim Pedals Pro,這設備本身的訊號輸出已經接近真車煞車,因此在這邊讓AC不要去做任何轉換,直接將煞車的數值忠實表現即可。


-exThreads=你電腦的Hyper Threads數目
-high 調高AC執行序在作業系統中的優先權

通常Intel CPU的Hyper Threads是CPU核心數乘2,請依照實際CPU規格調整。

Fanatec CSW v2 方向盤的設定:

SEN (Sensitivity): Aut
FF (Force Feedback): 100
SHO (Shock): 80
LIN (Linearity): OFF
DEA (Deadzone): OFF
DRI (Drift mode): OFF
FOR (Force): 100
SPR (Spring): 100
DPR (Damper): OFF



因為AC遊戲中的Force Feedback Gain參數設定為61,雖然通用於多數車輛參數,但有些車的FFB會感覺太弱,可以透過在遊戲中開啟 FFB Clips APP去動態計算出並調整目前使用中車輛的FFB Gain數值,而不需要每次到設定中去調整該參數。


FFB不是力量越大就越好!需要搭配你使用的Sim Racing設備去調整,如果FFB gain設定太高,但你使用的方向盤無法對應輸出該力量,就會產生所謂的 FFB clipping現象,從而導致路感資訊消失,導致FFB資訊不正確。

在遊戲中可以開啟官方的Pedals APP來確認是否發生了FFB Clipping現象?從左到右顯示的資訊分別為:離合器-->煞車-->油門--> FFB
如果FFB狀態欄位一直顯示紅色,就表示發生了FFB Clipping,這就表示你遊戲中的FFB gain數值設定太大了。也許方向盤轉起來很有力很爽!但其實路感資訊都已經消失,殊為可惜~

詳細論述可以參閱 Optimal FFB settings for rFactor 2

2016年10月28日 星期五





轉接座(Adapter for Fanatec




賣家網頁 SimRacing Coach


本來以為這樣就結束了我們的尋找之旅,但前幾天突然靈機一動!改用『Fanatec Wheel USB』這三個關鍵字去搜尋,BINGO!竟然還真的有人製作相關套件啊~


OSW(Open Sim Wheel)的DD(Direct Drive)之路,看來是可以考慮一下了。

- 2016/10/31 更新
SimRacingBuy回信給該網友,提到了另一個解決方案『Teensy LC』,並說這個方案比較好;搜尋了一下,就是下面這網址,還是open source的咧~真是佛心來著。該作者還提供了Fanatec方向盤的訊號接點說明圖真是不錯。


  1. MISO
  2. MOSI
  3. GND
  4. 5v
  5. GND
  6. SCK
  7. 3v3
  8. CS
  9. USB charge 5v*
  10. -
  11. DataPort1*
  12. USB charge GND*
  13. DataPort2*
** These pin are only used on the Universal Hub and don't need to be connected for this conversion*
